Whazzup in November 2017???

Niet zo veel. Ik wacht op December. Het plan staat nog steeds om tijdens de 2de helft van December naar Lanzarote te zeilen. Well, not much. I'm waiting for December to arrive. The plan still stands to sail to Lanzarote during the second half of December World Exhibition / Expo 2015 , 2020 I saw the following Airbus A380 on tv: Ik zag de volgende Airbus A380 op tv: (C) Aeroprint.com It brought back memories of the Expo 2015 in Milan. The pavilions gave me a taste of some the islands and countries I would like to visit. The moto of the Expo 2015 in Milan was Feeding the World, Energy for Life. I had the chance to visit the exhibition three times and every visit was like a party which became bigger each time I visited. Some countries had built huge and architecturaly impressive pavilions. Some with several stories. Terug kwamen de herinneringen aan de Expo 2015 in Milaan. De paviljoenen gaven mij een voorproefje van de landen die ik graag zou willen bezoeken. H...